Hello my dear Patty,
I just completed a wonderful Sunday and I had the
opportunity of flying my 27 year old Super Bandit and my
19 year old Ultra Bandit. Both super wonderful aircraft
to fly and guarantee full satisfaction, pure Mr BV
engineering. Thank you my very dear friend.
Best regards,
Jacobo Sevilla
So here it is after extensive
retrofit… my 17yr old Super Bandit now like new again!
E-gear, new XICOY X120 turbine, lots
of custom 3D printed parts for radio tray, air trap,
light weight Savox HV low profile servos, now full
telemetry and redundant RX’s etc.
The original build was by Jeremy
Ferguson in BC. He did the re-paint to this scheme in
2009… so can’t take credit for anything but the install.
Chris Hammond
Canada |

This last weekend we did a bandit
day at my club... there was 7 flying at de same time!!
Five of then I assembled. The day was a lot of fun for
me and my friends!! The name
of the pilots of the bandit day are:
Antonio S. Santos
Cid Porto
Gerd Schreen
Licurgo Souza Filho
Luciano Julião
Diogo Vale
Celso De Santi
Alexandre Sanchez
All the best,
Celso De Santi
Brazil |

Dear Heather
I am writing from Almere,
The Netherlands in Europe. My Friend Donald has restored an older
Super bandit to flying state. We did some ground testing yesterday
and the bandit is ready to go. Owner/pilot is Donald van Tongeren
from Landsmeer, Netherlands.
Thanks and best regards
Hans Hochgemuth

From: Ricardo Baptista
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2017 7:20 PM
To: Patty Generali
Subject: Quality never goes out of style !
Hi Patty,
Year in and year out Bandit´s are still the best planes around!
;-) Here is a couple of Super Bandits that I just finished. I
build/paint and maiden fly here in Itú, São Paulo, Brazil. Both
airplanes are guided by Futaba´s FAAStest 18 channel and powered by
a Jet Cat P-100 and a King tech K-100, IMHO this is a killer combo!
Very good flight envelope, performance, and autonomy.
Thanks again for the support along the years.
Ricardo V. Baptista Filho
São Paulo, Brasil

From: Jacobo Sevilla
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 11:24 AM
To: Patty Generali
Subject: Super Sunday
Dear Patty,
I hope to find you well, as
your family too. I am getting ready for FJ and I will be very happy
to see you all my friends. Please show this picture to Bob, and see
if he can recognize the Bandit in the picture. I am enjoying it for
more than 12 years now and it is still like the first day.
My regards to the family and
have a nice weekend.
All the best,

Chris Hammond
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 5:36 PM
To: Heather
Subject: Super Bandit Pic
Hi Heather,
Just wanted to drop you fine folks at BVM a note and picture of my
recently flown Super Bandit. I got in the first 10 flights this
past weekend.
This jet was built by Jeremy in Abbotsford, BC, Canada. He flew it
a few times and then I was lucky enough to buy it from him. The
original paint scheme was awesome (black with air brushed skulls and
stuff - like a fancy Harley paint job) but too hard to see so I had
him re-paint in this Hi-Viz Canada scheme. It sat for a few years
while I took some time away form the hobby but it is a hanger queen
no more ;)
Of course the SB is a dream to fly, as good or better than any
pattern plane I have flown. Its my first BVM and certainly won't be
my last!
Chris Hammond.

From: David Soufer
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2015 11:52 AM
To: Patty Generali
Subject: New Super Bandit
Hello Patty,
Please see attached my latest addition to my Bandit Fleet.. The
Super Bandit. This jet was bought built and painted and was given
to Ronny Derhacopian for final install and assembly. It is equipped
with a Jets Munt M140X turbine, all HV JR servos, Jeti CB200, Jeti
Mbar (air pressure monitor) and of course a Bavarian Demon Cortex
I maiden this jet last week which needed two clicks of up elevator
and it was flying flawlessly. I know how old this jet is and I’m so
grateful to you and the staff at BVM to help me with the parts and
accessories I needed to complete this jet. Having such inventory of
parts for older models which have gone through two generations has
such value which makes BVM #1 in this industry.
Appreciate all you help
David Soufer

De Lima Ribeiro, Flavio
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 12:48 PM
To: Patty; Heather (BVMJets)
Subject: FW: Photos from Bomber Field Jets
Hi Patty and Heather…
Here are some more pictures of my Bandit.
Best Regards

Jamie Cuff
Patty Violett
Thursday, October 11, 2012 6:47 PM
My Classic Bandit
I thought I would send you a few pictures of my Classic Bandit which
I have been flying since June. It is powered by a Jetcat 100RX and
is guided by JR XG11. It was originally brought into the UK by Rob
Howarth in 1998 and was flown for several years before it was bought
by Steve Elias, Steve completely rebuilt the model and finished it
in this stunning colour scheme.
Steve really did put a considerable amount of time and effort into
finishing this model, the fit of the hatches, gear doors and the
wing and tailplane mating surfaces is perfect! The equipment
installation is also first class and the paint finish is
exceptional! Steve originally fitted a Jetcat 160SX which gave it a
stunning performance! This was removed before it was sold to me in
April. His colour scheme really does suit the lines of the Bandit
and it shows up very well in flight.
I test flew it at RNAS Merryfield on the Saturday of the Queens
Jubilee weekend in June, all three flights were without fault and
only rain stopped further flights. I have flown it successfully many
times since and I am very pleased it! It performs every bit as good
as it looks! I have another Classic Bandit which I shall be
renovating and I am hoping to have this ready for next year.
Jamie Cuff

Jamie Cuff
Patty Violett
Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:35 PM
JMA Long Marston
Over the weekend of October 6 & 7, the Jet Modellers Association
held its final jet meet of the year at the former Royal Air Force
base of Long Marston near Stratford upon Avon in Warwickshire. We
had superb weather for both days and there was alot of kero burned!
along with a few amps! Ali Machinchy was in attendance flying his
BVM Sabre with the 12s EVF-3 set up. He flew it on numerous
occasions and the performance was impressive! the Blue Impulse
scheme is definitely one of the best for the Sabre.
As well as the EVF Sabre there were a number of other BVM models in
attendance, Jason Fletcher brought his Merlin 100 powered Bobcat and
Merlin 140 powered Super Bandit, Pat Barnes was flying his Jetcat
100RX powered Bandit ARF, Geoff White was flying his AMT Pegasus
powered Super Bandit and I had several flights with my Jetcat 100RX
powered Classic Bandit and Bobcat with a P80SE. Geoff White and
Jason Fletcher could not agree on which one of their Bandits was the
fastest so they agreed to disagree! . . . Steve Elias was
flying his awesome Ultra Bandit with AMT Olympus power . . . that
model really does thunder!
Jamie Cuff

April 2012
Ernie Duarte got some help from
Harley Condra and Dustin to check out and test fly his Classic
Bandit at the
Sanford Aeromodelers field.
Roger Perrett
'Patty Generali'
Friday, January 06, 2012 1:46 AM
My Super Bandit
I Thought
it was about time I sent you some photos of my finished Super
Bandit. I now have some great flying and still shots of this
model, some of which I have attached.. This is my second Bandit,
and was an absolute pleasure to build and finish. The paint
scheme is my own design, with a patriotic black and silver
underside, and a bit of simple airbrush work on the top. This
makes it stand out a little from all the ARFs.
It is
powered with a Jets Munt Merlin 140 engine which provides
plenty of push and is fitted with a speed limiter using a pitot
connected through the Merlin ECU. The missiles are from
Details4scale and just add a touch of realism to the shape.
In the air
this model handles very similarly to my old Balsa Bandit, but
with a lot more punch. It is extremely precise in roll and
pitch, and carries a lot of energy through all manoeuvres.
I know it
has been said many times, but Bandits are superb sport jets.
My thanks
to you and BVM for all the assistance getting this project
completed.. Now to complete the F-100!!
Sydney Australia

Celso DeSanti from Brazil
produced a beautifully finished Super Bandit.

Ricardo Baptista
Patty Generali
Sunday, June 05, 2011 2:13 PM
Bandits from Brazil
Hello Patty,
Here´s some photos of two Bandits that we are flying here in Itú,
São Paulo, Brazil.
Both airplanes was painted by Alexandre Sanches from FineArt Studios
in Itú
The red and black one is a Super Balsa Bandit powered by a Jet Cat
120SX @ 125K RPMs and guided by a Futaba MZ14
The red and yellow one is a Composite Super Bandit powered by a Jet
Cat 160SX @ 125K RPMs and guided by a JR 12x
Needless to say those airplanes are fast and some times i don´t know
if they are flying or running on tracks!
In few words, this is THE best r/c jet ever! No doubt about it!
Ricardo V. Baptista Filho
São Paulo, Brasil

Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: Super Bandit Photo
Hello Patty,
This is my Super
Bandit. The best of BVM Jets!
Luiz Fernando F. Pires

Jose Alfonso Salido P
'Patty Generali'
Wednesday, November 17, 2010 11:07 AM
I am attaching some
photos I took at this weekend event (Cool Jets) at Culiacan Sinaloa
of the maiden flight of my friends Javier Ulloa Super Bandit! His
jet has a Jet Central Cheetah and it flies awesome! FAST is not
Jose Salido

Roger Perrett
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:09 AM
Subject: Parts order
Hi Patty,
For bragging reasons only, here is a couple of nice in-flight
pics of my Classic Balsa Bandit.. Three years flying now!!!
Thanks again.
Roger Perrett
(Sydney Australia)

From: Ary Figueira
To: Patty
Sent: Sunday, October 18, 2009 2:25 PM
Subject: Bandits in Argentina 2009
Hi Patty,
Ary Figueira, Antônio Pádua, Celso De Santi and Guerreiro,
representatives of Brazil during Encounter Of Jets in Argentina
( Oct./12/2009), all flying BVM.
Ary Figueira

Ralf Dvorak (Brebersdorf, Germany) modified an
early Super Balsa Bandit for electric power. Besides the
testimony of these photos, other modelers have commented on Ralf's
superb craftsmanship. His next model is an Electra.

From: Juan Colon
Friday, April 24, 2009 12:13 AM
BVM Bandit
Hello Patty,
Just wanted to send you a picture of my Bandit. This is my first jet
and I can't believe how easy it is to fly. It is incredibly stable
and very predictable. I have a Jet Cat P70 powering it and all
JR equipment. I have over 30 Flights in it and still going
strong. Thanks again for everything.

Sent: Monday, March 09, 2009 9:25 AM
To: Heather
Subject: Super Balsa Bandit maiden
Heather, just wanted to share
some photos with you of my "Corona" Bandit. I have waited many years to
be able to purchase a BV Bandit, and I have to say the wait was worth
it! This thing flies exactly how everyone said it would-AMAZING! Cant
wait to put my wing tanks on now! Thanks BV for a great jet!
I hope to have in flight shots
very soon,
Nick Robinson
Travis AFB, CA |
This is Daniel Hemming's Classic Bandit as
seen at Super Jet South Oct.'08. It's a good thing that the paint scheme
is Hi-Viz because it is powered with a JetCat P-120.
This Super Bandit is an example of
exemplary craftsmanship and artful paint work. First seen at Winimac '08
with its JetCat P-120 SE powerhouse, it seemed ballistic, so, Francis added the
JetCat speed limiting system.
It's a nice mix of art on the top and Hi-Viz
on the bottom. The all composite kit is a favorite of the high performance

From: Tom Telesca
Subject: New Super Bandit
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 18:43:53 -0400
Attached are some pictures of my new Super Bandit, Bandit Arf and my Arf Bobcat.
The Bobcat has 191 flights the Bandit ARF has 47 flights and the Super Bandit
will have its first flight next weekend.
These are the best and most reliable jets I have had the opportunity to fly
Thanks for all the hard work
Tom Telesca

This South Florida group of jet
pilots like their Bandit Arfs.
From left to right, Rich Chase, Rich Holt,
Robert Rich, and Robert Lynch.

Joe Balabon photo
The Hooters Bandit at Desert Storm '08, a
striking paint scheme, is the work of Jim Edie.

Steve Predeaux of England
finished his Super Bandit in this colorful paint scheme and was assisted by
BVM Rep Nick Smith throughout the build and test flights.
Here are Nick's comments "The install is excellent and the paint scheme
(which is his own work) is first class. It is powered with a JetCat P120, and
uses JR servo's with Futaba guidance. Steve and I took a trip to our club field
(Wroughton) last week, where, after I had checked the model over, Steve flew
the first 'test' flight. (Steve is a very accomplished Jet flyer) - all went
per the "text book" and Steve put another flight in on the model that
day. He is now looking forward to many more in the future. Another BVM jet success!
Well done to Steve, top job!"

David Schwantz of Burnsville,
MN is an experienced builder and his Bandit is a prime example. The bright metallic
paint and clean "racy" lines show up well. David is enjoying the new
600' paved runway at his local Tri-Valley R/C Club (Minneapolis, MN).

Francis Pischner of Naples, Florida has now
logged over 502 flights on his original composite Bandit powered
by the AMT USA AT-180. The colorful scheme was applied by Vern & Larry Kramer
(also from Naples).

Jim Edie of Colorado Springs, Colorado is obviously
a big fan of the popular "Hooters" restaurant and decor. His Super
Bandit is finished in Hooters colors and is equipped with wing tanks and both
standard and swept fins. Jim also thanks BVM Rep, Harley Condra for his generous
time and knowledge during the building of his first turbine jet. He enjoys building
and flying his Super so much that he's building another one.

Zenon Pierides (center) with the help of
friends (left) Vakis Yangou and (right) George Mouzouris finished this Super
Bandit to duplicate the BVM factory demo model - nice job!
Zenon is
part of a group of jet fliers that are very active in Cyprus.

Jacobo Sevilla is the proud owner of
this Super Bandit that was built by Bob Beaudette. Bob finished the model in
the Fernandez Racing team colors that competes in the Formula 1 / C.A.R.T.
series. The tan Camo Bandit shown next to Jacobo's latest Super is the tried
and true BVM factory demo model that is still logging many

Geoff White of Oxon, England built and
finished his latest Super Bandit, complete with the stainless exhaust nozzle,
wing tanks and both the swept and straight fins. An AMT Netherlands Pegasus HP
is installed and Geoff noted that the performance is incredible!

Ricardo Gomez hails from Caracus,
Venezuela and finished his balsa Bandit with underwing tanks and a colorful
orange, white and blue paint scheme.

Scott Marr of Dallas, Texas outfitted
his Super Bandit with functional lighted wing tanks. White L.E.D.'s shine out
the front while red L.E.D.'s glow on the backside of the tanks.

BVM Rep Harley Condra from San Diego,
California debuted' his Super balsa Bandit with several high performance
flights using "JetCat" for power. We like the paint scheme.

 Jon Payne of Calabasas, California is the proud owner of this Super
Bandit. Joe Grice did the excellent build and finish work complete with rivets
and panel lines, presto leading edges and Russian markings.
 Jon chose an AMT Pegasus for power and is
looking forward to logging many flights with his Super throughout

 David Soufer is enjoying his bright red
Super Bandit thanks to the work from Joe Grice (builder). David is powering his
Super with a P-160 and is thrilled with the performance.
 Jason Fletcher of Warks, England finished his
Super Bandit in Ferrari red with yellow trim. He has been enjoying his "Super"
at numerous events throughout 2003.
 Lynda Carter poses with her
husband David's new Super Bandit. David has been enjoying his "Super" with
JetCat power and also recently test flew his "NAVY" KingCat as
 Steve Unze of California shows us his new
brilliantly finished straight fin Super Bandit.

 Wroughton air field in the south of England is a great place to fly
jets. We were there for the 3rd World Jet Masters in '97.
 BVM is very proud of this strong
representation of Bandit and Super Bandit flyers spearheaded by Nick Smith,
Mark Woodland, Jonathan Smith, Geoff White and Will Gillam.
 Jonathan commented that this is an average jet
day at Wroughton.
 Simon To of Hong Kong is shown on a landing
pattern and touchdown. The Super Bandit was built by Steve Jaworski and is
powered by a JetCat P-160 and has a Metal-Kote finish.

 Justin Sands finished his Super
Balsa Bandit in the famous Blue's scheme to match his BobCat XL. He is using a
JetCat P-120 for power and is enjoying the exacting qualities found in flying
the "Super". Point rolls and similar maneuvers are clean and crisp, says
Justin. Superb craftsmanship is evident - look at the reflection in the left
 Sal Faraj of Brooklyn, New York finished his
Super Bandit (composite) with ProMark graphics. Sal is using a JetCat P-120 for
 Jacobo Sevilla of Culican, Mexico purchased
the BVM factory demo Bandit (composite).
This model is still going strong and Jacobo has added a smoke system for more
spectacular flights.
Eric Meyers of Greenville, South Carolina
exercises his Bandit quite frequently. This all composite frame looks good in
Vietnam era camo. |
They finally let me off work long enough to test
fly this thing. A little different paint job, but pretty cool - Terry
Nitsch. |
Nick Smith of England sent us these takeoff and
landing shots of his Bandit using a JetCat P-120 for power. Nick thoroughly
enjoys the all out performance he gets with this combination. |
Mitch Weiss from Heathrow, Fl just finished his
RAM 500 powered balsa Bandit. The intensely graphic paint scheme was
accomplished with computer generated vinyl paint masks and decals. The
"Huntress" graphic on the side of the fuselage was actually printed off the
computer onto a decal film, applied and then clear coated. |
Reitprecht from Austria finished his turbine balsa Bandit in May of 2000. He
says that he is very happy that his Bandit is capable of flying off of there
local field with a runway of 80 meters in length and with the speed the Bandit
reaches he can still perform any aerobatics that he desires. Harry also
mentions that the balsa Bandit draws much of the attention at many of the
airshows in Austria. |
 Ad Clark
sent us a nice letter with this photo. He recently attended the 7th Annual
Hi-Planes Jet Fly at Deer Lodge Montana on August 12-13th. His Bandit was
awarded the Pilots Choice, Best Turbine Sport Jet and People's Choice awards!
Way to go Ad!
 Ad makes special note that
his Bandit was flying with 1-1/2 pounds of smoke system and smoke fluid on
board, at an altitude of 4,600' and temps in the 85-90° range. His Bandit
handled the conditions without any problems whatsoever! Ad's Bandit is equipped
with a JR radio and finished with PPG Concept paint. |
Kelly Rhorbach poses with his turbine Bandit after winning the
pilots choice award at the Lilac City Jet Rally in July 2000. Kelly uses a JR
radio and RAM 750 for power. Kelly's Bandit has been flown for 2 years as a
ducted fan and was recently converted to turbine. Ad Clark lended a helping
hand when it came time to paint the areas necessary after the
conversion. |
Rod Snyder recently finished his
new turbine Bandit. Rod is from Tennesse and has a few BVM jets. A RAM turbine
supplys Rod's Bandit with plenty of power. |
Here is a recent shot of 3 turbine Bandits (2 composite, 1 balsa)
sitting in the pit area of the local flying field in Kalispell, Montana. From
front to back is Ad Clark's Bandit, Harley Condra's balsa Bandit, and Kelly
Rhorbach's Bandit. All 3 Bandits use RAM turbines for power and PPG Concept
paint. |
Here is Simon To with his Bandit and Ultra
Viper. Simon is from Hong Kong and has quite an array of jets. His turbine
Bandit features a military type of paint scheme with highly visible wing tip
tanks. |
A balsa
Bandit with external fuel. |
Rich Fong sent us some great photos of his balsa Bandit.
He adapted the centerline fuel tank to carry fuel - he says he likes to do a
lot of "cruising" in the California skys.
Rich refers to the paint design as his "Sport
Camo" similar to the lizard F-5's used by Agressor squadrons. Rich uses a RAM
750F to power his new balsa Bandit. A product review on this model will be
featured in RCJI soon. |
We received a nice letter along with this photo
from Jerry Kirwan and Ray Blair saying that "Both of these Bandits are powered
by AMT AT-180's and both perform flawlessly. We are happy that these "Texas
Jets" pilots are so pleased with BVM and AMT products - customer success is
crucial to the companies involved. |
Here is the Diniz Esteves Team after a few
flights in Bededouro. From l-r is Robert Pouchain, Ana Esteves, Wladislau
Pontes and Eduardo Esteves. Their turbine Bandit utilizes a RAM 750 for power
and an Airtronics radio. |
 Roman and his Bandit on
the Winimac R/C club's 800+ foot runway.
Roman Myrdacz had to be one of the
luckiest pilots at Superman 1998, he was the winner of the composite Bandit kit
raffled off by Jerry Caudle. A wedding and a new house worked its way between
Roman and his Bandit but his determination never faltered. Today (6/4/00) Roman
brought the Bandit to Winamac, Indiana. Roman is an airframe and powerplant technician for the
Aion corperation. With two Gulfstream jets a Citation and a Lear Jet under his
watchful eye Roman knows a good looking jet when he sees one. That's why he
tried to give his bandit that corporate jet look. His Bandit is powered by an
AMT 180 which started and ran flawlesly through Four beutiful flights. Roman
said he couldn't believe how easy the Bandit went together, "I didn't have to
engineer anything myself and everything fit perfectly". He can't wait to start
another BVM kit. Great job Roman and I'll see you at the jet meets!
Redelman. |